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UNI/Pdr 109:2021
UNI/Pdr 109:2021
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Candidate applies to be certified against the SDG User profile:
Professional Profile
SDG Manager
SDG Practitioner
SDG Auditor
SDG Action Manager
SDG User
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
City of Birth
Tax code
Residential address
Postal Code
Invoice Info
Physical person invoicing
Billing address other than Residence
Billing Information:
Business Name
Postal Code
Postal code
1) Please attach a copy of a valid identity document:
2) Please attach Curriculum Vitae - The CV must be dated, signed and includes authorization to process personal data. We would like to ask that the following statement be quoted: "The undersigned, aware of the criminal sanctions provided, declares pursuant to Articles. 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree 445/2000 that what is contained in this Curriculum Vitae is true. I authorize the processing of personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 and EU Reg. 2016/679." The CV can also be digitally signed.
Curriculum Vitae
3) Please attach evidence of the training carried out for a total of at least 8/12/16 hours in the last months for managerial / intermediate / entry profession;
Training certificates
Consent to data processing:
I hereby declare that I have read and fully accept the scheme fee schedule, Intertek's code of ethics and any code of ethics provided for in the annex to the specific reference standard, the aforementioned certification scheme, the access requirements and the professional requirements and I agree to produce the objective evidence necessary to meet these requirements or to produce a countersigned declaration in accordance with the D.P.R. 445/2000. I declare that I have read and fully accept the professional arguments set out in the scheme documents and that I am willing to undergo the evaluation process for certification as defined by the standard and/or certification scheme. I authorise Intertek Italia to send me communications to the email address indicated in my personal details. I enclose with this application the objective evidence that I deem adequate for your documentary analysis and which I am willing to supplement if in your opinion and according to the scheme requirements are deemed insufficient. (Curriculum Vitae and evidence of educational requirements and work experience as defined in the scheme). With reference to these evidences, I declare under my personal civil and criminal liability, in accordance with Articles 46 and 76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000, that the data and information contained therein are true. I also declare that I am aware of the obligations arising from the certification of personnel and of the sanctions provided for in the event of noncompliance. I hereby declare that I am aware that I may withdraw from this contract by giving notice by registered letter of my intention at least three months before the annual expiry date, and that any early withdrawal shall oblige me to pay dues for the entire duration of the contract. I declare that I will keep all information received during the examination confidential and undertake not to disclose confidential examination materials or participate in fraudulent practices relating to the misappropriation of examination materials. I hereby declare that I am aware of Law 4 of 14 January 2013, which came into force on 10 February 2013, and of the resulting obligations with regard to unregulated professions. The Parties, pursuant to the legislation on the protection of personal data (EU Regulation 2016/679, so-called "GDPR"), which they undertake t o comply with, declare that they will process personal data for the purposes inherent to the execution of this Contract as well as to comply with all legal and/or administrative provisions necessary for its execution both in the case of face-to-face and distance examinations.
I confirm that I have read and accept the scheme and certification requirements
Fill in the Privacy Policy
A problem was detected in the following Form. Submitting it could result in errors. Please contact the site administrator.
Candidate applies to be certified against the SDG User profile:
Professional Profile
SDG Manager
SDG Practitioner
SDG Auditor
SDG Action Manager
SDG User
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
City of Birth
Tax code
Residential address
Postal Code
Invoice Info
Physical person invoicing
Billing address other than Residence
Billing Information:
Business Name
Postal Code
Postal code
1) Please attach a copy of a valid identity document:
2) Please attach Curriculum Vitae - The CV must be dated, signed and includes authorization to process personal data. We would like to ask that the following statement be quoted: "The undersigned, aware of the criminal sanctions provided, declares pursuant to Articles. 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree 445/2000 that what is contained in this Curriculum Vitae is true. I authorize the processing of personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 and EU Reg. 2016/679." The CV can also be digitally signed.
Curriculum Vitae
3) Please attach evidence of the training carried out for a total of at least 8/12/16 hours in the last months for managerial / intermediate / entry profession;
Training certificates
Consent to data processing:
I hereby declare that I have read and fully accept the scheme fee schedule, Intertek's code of ethics and any code of ethics provided for in the annex to the specific reference standard, the aforementioned certification scheme, the access requirements and the professional requirements and I agree to produce the objective evidence necessary to meet these requirements or to produce a countersigned declaration in accordance with the D.P.R. 445/2000. I declare that I have read and fully accept the professional arguments set out in the scheme documents and that I am willing to undergo the evaluation process for certification as defined by the standard and/or certification scheme. I authorise Intertek Italia to send me communications to the email address indicated in my personal details. I enclose with this application the objective evidence that I deem adequate for your documentary analysis and which I am willing to supplement if in your opinion and according to the scheme requirements are deemed insufficient. (Curriculum Vitae and evidence of educational requirements and work experience as defined in the scheme). With reference to these evidences, I declare under my personal civil and criminal liability, in accordance with Articles 46 and 76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000, that the data and information contained therein are true. I also declare that I am aware of the obligations arising from the certification of personnel and of the sanctions provided for in the event of noncompliance. I hereby declare that I am aware that I may withdraw from this contract by giving notice by registered letter of my intention at least three months before the annual expiry date, and that any early withdrawal shall oblige me to pay dues for the entire duration of the contract. I declare that I will keep all information received during the examination confidential and undertake not to disclose confidential examination materials or participate in fraudulent practices relating to the misappropriation of examination materials. I hereby declare that I am aware of Law 4 of 14 January 2013, which came into force on 10 February 2013, and of the resulting obligations with regard to unregulated professions. The Parties, pursuant to the legislation on the protection of personal data (EU Regulation 2016/679, so-called "GDPR"), which they undertake t o comply with, declare that they will process personal data for the purposes inherent to the execution of this Contract as well as to comply with all legal and/or administrative provisions necessary for its execution both in the case of face-to-face and distance examinations.
I confirm that I have read and accept the scheme and certification requirements
Fill in the Privacy Policy